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Wave Of Change
Drive Against Plastic Pollution

Km Sailed

Kg Waste Collected

Youth Sensitised

Workshops Conducted
Beach & Mangrove Cleanups
We coordinated beach and mangrove cleanups in Goa with volunteer support, alongside educational sessions for college students highlighting mangrove significance and plastic pollution effects. This effort heightened awareness and motivated increased volunteer engagement, showcasing a collective commitment to safeguarding our coastal ecosystem.
Circular Economy Workshops
Our workshops addressed pressing issues of plastic waste, promoting sustainable consumption habits and the 5R concept: Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Recover. With 22 workshops reaching 1000 students and youth, we prioritised government schools with limited exposure to such initiatives.
IEC - Fishing Community
…60 Second Wrap
“The session on waste segregation and circular economy was an eye opener. I learnt a lot and would be keen on attending OneEarth’s cleanup drives”
Rashmi, MBA student
Vaibhav Duggal, Computer Science Student
Guruprasad Tandel, Hindi Teacher
New English High School, Keri, Goa
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Wave of Change
Event Gallery
Beach Cleanups
Sustainability Festival – Wave Of Change
Circular Economy Workshops
Mangrove Cleanups
Fishermen Awareness Workshop
Turtle Conservation Workshops
Media Mentions

When creating a Wave Of Change every ripple counts
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